
  • Can I modify or cancel my order?

    Please make sure you have checked your order and delivery details before completing your order. Once you've placed your order and it has been passed onto our fulfilment centre, we can't modify or cancel your order. This includes changing the delivery address or delivery option. If you've ordere...
  • What emails will I receive about my order?

    You'll receive the following emails in regards to your order: Order confirmation email to acknowledge that we have received your order. Shipping confirmation email containing your tracking number. If items from your order are shipped separately due to availability, you will receive a shipping c...
  • Where can I find my order number?

    We'll send you a confirmation email that includes your order number. Please check your spam folder if you cannot find your confirmation email. If there's a mistake in the email address that you submitted, the email will not be received. But do not worry, your order will still be processed as usu...
  • Why has my order been cancelled?

    We're really sorry that your order or an item from your order has been cancelled. Your order may have been cancelled for a number of reasons related to stock availability, payment or delivery address. If your order or an item from your order is cancelled, we’ll refund you the amount of the cance...